
Fiber Optic Communications Overall Solution

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Position: Home> Solutions >Pre-connectorized Solution

Fiber Optic Pre-connectorized Solution

FTTH (Fiber to the Home) is an advanced broadband network architecture that uses fiber optics to provide high-speed internet connections, high bandwidth and reliability, low attenuation and cost, and long transmission distance compared to copper networks.

Challenges arise in FTTH deployment, particularly in OSP (Outside Plant), where the fiber optic cables are split and routed to multiple customers and reliable connections between the fiber optic distribution cabinet/box and the customer premises. The remedy involves a pre-connectorized solution for easy FTTH setup installation.

Sun Telecom offers a Fiber Optic Pre-connectorized solution, including Pre-connectorized Distribution Boxes, Pre-connectorized Connectors and Adapters, Pre-connectorized Fiber Optic Cables, and Pre-connectorized Patchcords or Pigtails. These boxes hold Fiber Optic Splitters and Pre-connectorized Adapters.

Pre-connectorized Distribution Boxes serve as junctions between distribution and access networks, ensuring quick deployment and connections and minimizing FTTH activation failures.

Sun Telecom provides boxes of varying capacities and IP protection, adhering to quality standards for connectivity. The Fiber optic splitter quantity and ratio also can be customized, and the Pre-connectorized Patchcords/Pigtails are factory-terminated and quality-tested. Our options include drop cables with different connectors, each with unique properties.


Key Features

   Free of splicing with minimal technical skills

•   Reduce labor and time costs

   Easy installation

   High scalability and flexibility


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