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Sun Telecom (Code: 000079) Entered the Shanghai SEDI Special Board

Date: 2024-03-27 11:21:53

 On March 26, 2024, the inaugural ceremony for the collective entry of the first batch of companies onto the Shanghai Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative (SEDI) Special Board was successfully held at the Shanghai Equity Exchange.

The Shanghai SEDI Special Board Ceremony Site

Sun Telecom (Code: 000079) was selected as one of the first batch of companies to enter the SEDI Special Board. The Shanghai Equity Exchange awarded the company a commemorative plaque.
Sun Telecom CEO (middle) Attended the Ceremony
Sun Telecom CEO Caesara Niu

The SEDI Special Board was established with the approval of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). It is jointly led by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Financial Regulation, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, and the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Commission. Additionally, it receives support from 12 commissions and offices, including the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, the Shanghai Municipal Development & Reform Commission, and the Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).

Sun Telecom is a Fiber Optic Total Solutions provider, serving customers from over 130 countries and regions. Sun Telecom is devoted to meeting customers' needs to the greatest extent by providing "Systematic, Customized, End-to-end, One-stop" fiber optic total solutions and products for worldwide customers. Sun Telecom offers complete fiber optic solutions and products for various fields such as Telecom (FTTH4G/5G Mobile Stations, etc.), ISP, Cable Television and Broadcast, Surveillance and Monitoring (Smart City, Smart Home, etc.), Computing Networks, Data Centers (Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT, etc.), Industrial Control, Intelligent Manufacturing (Industrial 4.0), Fiber Optic Sensing, etc.
Application Fields of Sun Telecom's Fiber Optic Total Solutions

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