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Sun Telecom Won Two Municipal Titles

Date: 2024-01-09 13:53:39

 Recently, Sun Telecom received honorary plaques for Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise and Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative SME.

Shanghai Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise

Shanghai Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise

In March 2023, following the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's guidelines, Sun Telecom was officially recognized by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization as an "Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise" and a "Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative SME".

In June, August and November of the same year, Sun Telecom, as a Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative enterprise, was selected into the list of Shanghai exhibitors and represented the Shanghai region in The China International SME Fair, The China-South Asia Expo and The 12th APEC SMETC.

Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises refer to those with advantages such as specialization, refinement, uniqueness, and novelty. The award of the title of Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise and Specialized, Excelled, Differentiated, and Innovative small and medium-sized enterprise is not only a recognition of the past development achievements of Sun Telecom by the government, but also a spur for future development. Sun Telecom will continue to develop innovation with a more enthusiastic and pragmatic attitude.

Sun Telecom is a Fiber Optic Total Solutions provider, serving customers from over 130 countries and regions. Sun Telecom is devoted to meeting the needs of customers to the greatest extent by providing "Systematic, Customized, End-to-end, One-stop" fiber optic total solutions and products for worldwide customers. Sun Telecom offers complete fiber optic solutions and products for various fields such as Telecom (FTTH, 4G/5G Mobile Stations, etc.), ISP, Cable Television and Broadcast, Surveillance and Monitoring (Smart City, Smart Home, etc.), Computing Networks, Data Centers (Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT, etc.), Industrial Control, Intelligent Manufacturing (Industrial 4.0), Fiber Optic Sensing, etc.

Application Fields of Sun Telecom's Fiber Optic Total Solutions

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