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How Much Do You Know About Router

Date: 2023-05-15 16:22:00

 Router connects all networking devices as the network's central hub. It has the power to build or break your network, even while your internet service provider (ISP) ultimately controls your speed and bandwidth limits.This article provides information about the router.
What is a Router?
The router is a device used to connect computers, printers, and other end devices through Ethernet cables or a wireless connection to share a single Internet connection. It protects your computer system and data from any intrusion and attack.
How Does a Router Work?
Typically, a router connects to the modem's "Internet" or "WAN" port over a network connection, then connects to other network devices over another network cable.
To receive data packages from servers, each router has a different (external) IP address, and every device on the user network receives a distinct (MAC) address. The router keeps a database to record which device requested information from where whenever you attempt to access information online.
Types of Routers
1. Business Router
The business router is used to manage many terabits of data flowing through and between internet service provider (ISP) networks. It is the largest and most powerful network router from the Internet backbone.
2. Broadband Router
A broadband router is used for sharing a broadband Internet connection at home. It can be wired and wireless broadband routers. A wired router connects directly to a computer via a cable. The wireless router transmits data directly to computers and other electronic devices via radio signals.
3. VPN Router
A virtual private network(VPN) router has VPN client software installed on it. Every device that connects to the VPN router is protected by VPN at any time. Whether it is your home, office, or company, a VPN router can bring numerous benefits of VPN connections to all devices.
A router is used in IPTV, voice, home, business, LAN, gaming, etc.
A router is responsible for receiving, analyzing, and forwarding the data packets from the network to connected devices. It has high reliability and stability and is easy to set up. Sun Telecom specializes in providing one-stop total fiber optic solutions for all fiber optic application industries worldwide. Contact us if any needs.

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